ENC 1102 Essay 1 ~ Literary Analysis
Students should be able to:
o Read and analyze a literary text, using “critical thinking skills and active reading strategies”
to identify and understand key ideas, elements, and meanings that are found within the text.
0 Write an essay which encompasses an understanding of how elements of a literary work
1 function to create meaning or effect; the essay will be directed toward a Specific argument of
its own
After reading the short stories included in our textbook, write a short literary analysis essay
(minimum text length fof 4-5 pages) in which you respond to one of the stories. As you respond,
discuss one of the literary elements that you have identified as relevant to the study and analysis
of the particular text yOu have chosen. Major elements to analyze in literary works include;
plot, theme, structure, Characterization, setting, point of View, style, imagery, tone, figures of
Speech, symbolism,rhythm, and rhyme, among others. Your essay will demonstrate your
understanding of the text in question, as well as your understanding of the literary elements, and
you will use the source text and “your owninsights to support a thesis statement.”
All papers should be typed, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, double-spaced with l” margins and
in MLA format.
Portfolio Checklist:
0 All prewriting materials ‘ i
0 Rough drafts
0 Peer editing forms
o ln-class writing assignments
0 Final draft 5
ENC 1102 – Essay #1
Shaping Your Literary Analysis Paper
For further explanation and an example of a literary analysis essay, see page 1802 in Literature.***
Which author and text short story will you analyze?
Which literary element will be your focus?
Thesis (what is the main point you wish to make in your essay?):
Planning your Introduction: What information’will your reader need to before you begin your analysis?
Do they care about it already or will you need to draw them into the paper?
Planning the Body of your Paper: What are the points that you will make in support of your thesis?
What support can you use from the story? What will be the most effective way to organize this material?