This week’s essay about race will take place in two parts. Below I describe the requirements for the two parts.

*PART I: For each of the ten articles/videos I sent you on Wednesday, I want you to write a distinct 40-50 word summary of that article/video. In 40-50 words, you must answer the following three questions: (1) What was the topic of the article/video? (2) What arguments (if any) did the article/video advance? (3) Was the article/video persuasive? Why or why not?

To be able to write a succinct summary of this material, you have to absorb it. There is no other way. If you have not carefully read/absorbed the assigned material, that fact will be glaringly obvious to both me and the Teaching Assistants as we grade your papers.

(Here is the ten articles/videos)
Millenials& Color Blindness:

Color Blindness vs. Race Consciousness:

Colorblindness vs. Race-Consciousness—An American Ambivalence

Racism without Racists:

Professor Bonilla Silva Lecture:

Dinesh D’Souza interview:

NYTs bit on Asian Americans and Race:

NYTs bit on Growing Up Black:

NYTs bit on White Americans on Race:

NYTs bit Latinos on Race:

What about Native Americans?

*PART II: “The way to get rid of racism is to stop talking about it,” so says Morgan Freeman. To what extent do you agree or disagree with Freeman’s assertion? Write 400-500 words stating your position on this matter.

In summary, this week’s essay will take place in two distinct parts. Part I asks you to succinctly summarize (in 40-50 words) each of the ten articles/videos I sent you on Wednesday. Part I will be between 400-500 words. Part II asks you to engage with Morgan Freeman’s provocative statement about racism. Part II will be between 400-500 words.

You must complete both parts. Thus, this week’s essay must be between 800-1000 words in total.