Write on this headline “Top 7 Grand yet affordable ways to transform your bathroom” This article will be posted on my home design blog http://nailinghome.com. Keyword density needs to be between 1.5 to 2.5%. Please follow the instruction below to write each part of the article – Intro: First, grab the reader’s attention by telling a story or a joke, be empathetic, or grip the reader with an interesting fact or statistic. and then you should sums up the blog post so that readers know that what they are going to get from the post. Keep it short, concise and strong. Main Body: Try to share your personal experience or twist with in the Article. Make the main body of the Article i scan able by using numbered list, bullets or small header so that reader can get an idea up and down what is the article about. Write smaller paragraphs and sentences with simple words. Ending: End Article with a Discussion Question that will encourage reads to comments. Also Please Write a Meta description of less than 155/characters summarizing the article. For this part please start with a related question and after that summarize the post. Watch this short video to know more about how to write Perfect Meta Description https://youtu.be/xbdXPImT5_s