Judicial Review

Define judicial review, explain the circumstances under which it was established, and assess the significance of the authority it gave the courts.

Prepare in Word document, upload your paper in this folder here, and submit
APA-style formatting required
Min: 1 Page
Max: 2 Pages (Not including Title Page & References Page; in order to earn highest score your paper should be close to two full pages.)

Inclusion & analysis of class text (Text sourcing & in-text referencing is provided for you below)
Inclusion & analysis of 1 additional source from your own research; this additional source must come from either Salem’s online library (see my Announcement about using online library), Google Scholar, JSTOR or Wiley Online Library.
In order to received credit for your additional source analysis from one of these online databases you must include the full website address as part of your full sourcing so that your source can be verified. Failure to indicate website will not earn credit for the additional source analysis.
All papers will be run through SafeAssign, so never copy directly from a source, and never copy from another student’s paper; it always shows!