Criminal Justice Course
Topic: Developmental Pathways( as it relates to Criminal Justice)
Definition of Developmental Pathways(book)- is a model of prevention based on the concept that interventions aimed at multiple risk factors and over a long period of time are more likely to have positive results
6 major principles include:
1.Intervention in one context interact with, complement, and support interventions in other contexts
2.Relationships, trust, and cooperation between staff and clients are valued equally with evidence of what works
3. Better individual outcomes are achieved through the enrichment of all relevant developmental settings
4. Intervention effects are more effective if they coincide with life transitions when people are both vulnerable and receptive to help
5.Continium of age-appropriated programs and resources can enhance developmental pathways over time
6.Well integrated programs and practices are best achieved by building partnerships between organizations, institutions and agencies relevant to child an family well being
Developmental Pathways focus on these key elements that contribute to failure:
1.Unemployment or underemployment that keeps people bound to poverty
2. Segregated, densely populated public housing, bad neighborhoods
3. Distrust in urban communities where social bonds are weak, community is fragile, individuals alienated
4. Socialization into roles in which virtues of cooperation and respect are secondary to advancement, greed, and economic success
5. Structural inequalities that are embedded in the traditional roles of men and women, contributing to social subordination
Successful initiatives identifiers to prevent crime are beneficial relationships within the community to address social concerns and to raise public trust in law enforcement are as follows
1. Create a network of support that links home, school, and community agencies
2. Encourage community members to take a stake in the well-being of their neighborhoods by increasing lighting in streets, cleaning up parks, creating neighborhood watches…etc.
3. Invest in community resources and diversion programs that aim at reintegrating offenders into society
4. Expand upon the paradigm of community-oriented policing and direct police activity in areas that are at greater risk of crime and disorder
5. Undertake to increase public trust In law enforcement by removing elements of discrimination and profiling
6.Recognize the role of structural disadvantage, inequalities, and contradictions in the development of criminal behavior
Works cited for this info is: Criminology Connecting Theory, Research, and Practice(book) authors (William J. Chambliss, Aida Y Hass, 2012, pgs. 379-380)
Crime and Behavior Reaction Paper Rubric
This is the rubric I will use to grade your reaction papers and please note that grades reduce for not adhering to all of the following:
•Did the student turn in an absrtact (as required)?
•Did he student turn in an outline (as required)?
•Did the student turn in (an optional) draft of paper
·· Proper use of abbreviations (e.g. cannot use “b-f” instead of “before”)
·· Title page
·· Student name listed on title page
·· Title listed on title page
·· Course listed on title page
·· Instructor listed on title page
·· Date due listed on title page
·· Pagination (look it up if this not clear)
·· Proper citation in APA format (look on the Internet if you do not know what APA format is)
·· Introduction header
·· Introduction
·· Conclusion header
·· Conclusion (this is the ONLY place where student opinion is allowed and must still be in third- person-look it up if this not clear)
·· Third-person (meaning that INSTEAD of saying “…I believe…,” say “…this researcher believes…”)
·· Between 18-20 pages in length ·· 12-point font
·· Double-spaced
·· 1-inch margins around
Number of appropriate [bracketed] terms–this is the content portion of your paper (if terms are not bracketed, the paper will receive zero percent “0%” for the grade)
key terms from the book:
crime, deviance, criminology, criminologist, legalist perspective, political perspective, consensus theory, ruling class theory, pluralist theory, pluralist theory, societal needs theory sociological perspective, social norms, taboos, mores, folkways, laws, theory, consensus model, conflict model, common law, principle of legality, principle of intent, principle of punishment, criminal law, defendant, civil law, plaintiff, societal needs theory, structural contradictions theory, Uniform Crime Reports(UCR), National Incident-Based Reporting System(NIBRS), National Crime Victimization(NCVS), self report survey, cohort, career criminals, life course criminology, incapacitation, three strikes(policy), concepts, hypotheses, validity, reliability, bias, variable, correlation, objectivity, research strategy, research methods, survey, sample, fieldwork, interview, leading questions, detached observations, experiments, experimental group, control group, statistical data, historical research, independent variable, dependent variable, experimental criminology, hedonism, mandatory minimum sentences, criminal anthropology, testosterone, premenstrual syndrome, neurophysiology, behavioral genetics, reductionism, psychopath, antisocial personality disorder, maladaptation, id, ego, superego, neurosis, phobia, kleptomania, psychosis, cognitive theory, token economics, sociological theories, social ecology, environmental criminology, strain theory, anomie, general strain theory, subculture, differential opportunity, subculture of violence, techniques of neutralization, socialization, social bonds, stigmatization, social conflict approach, altruism, egoism, proletariat, peacemaking criminology, murder, homicide, premeditation, manslaughter, domestic violence, stalking battery assault, child maltreatment, sexual assault, forcible rape, statutory rape, date rape, gang rape, rape shield laws, robbery, hate crime, larceny theft, shoplifting, embezzlement, forgery, phishing, extortion, burglary, trespassing, joyriding, arson.
Your paper is due December 4, 2013 no later than 11:55pm (Central Time) via the assignment tool here in BlackBoard. It must be in a commonly-used format (e.g. MS-Word, PDF, or WordPerfect), and NOT in some other format (e.g. “Google Document” or “RTF”).
You must create an 18-20 page reaction paper which consists of research on your assigned topic and a conclusion (i.e. your reaction) written in third-person and MUST provide citation within the entire paper. Your paper must be YOUR words and quotes from other sources will not count toward the page requirement (so there is no need to use them). To be more clear, your paper must provide an organized understanding of your topic, using sentences in your own words, based on what you have learned from research. This means that it is your job as the student to paraphrase what you have found via your research, but still give citation credit to the source from which you learned this information. My presumption in grading the paper, will be that a student must provide a citation (i.e. source used) in order to demonstrate how he/she has this knowledge he/she has written about in his/her reaction paper. Again, citation must follow APA formatting, which requires use of parenthetical citation within the narrative portion of the document as you are writing your sentences, AND a full listing of all citations at the end of the document as “works cited.”
Table of Source Types
– Scholarly Sources –
•Books (including dissertations & theses)
•Journal articles
•Government reports
•Advocacy group reports
– Not Scholarly Sources –
•newspaper articles
•government websites with mere portions of material
•advocacy websites with mere portions of material
Remember, you MUST write your paper in such a manner that covers your topic by applying appropriate key terms/concepts (from either the Criminolog