Category: Computers and Technology
1. Driveway 2. nozzles 3. hose 4. pressure washer wand 5. The cleaning surface 6. Detergent concentrate 7. electric pressure washer 8. gas pressure washer 9. pressure washer for cars 10. home pressure washer 11. commercial pressure washer 12. How to choose a pressure washer. 13. pressure washer tips before buying. 14. problems and repairing techniques. 15. pressure wash pool. (I have written articles on this keywords, now want to link up with these keywords as anchor text.) (use these keywords only one time and make bold them) 2. Use bullets points when needed also google loves it. 3. Write short paragraphs only 2 or 3 lines. 4. Use Active Voices, avoid passive voice. 5. Refereces have their hyperlinks inside anchor text. You need to use these anchor text in our article too, if i’ve already given you same keywords above then better avoid them. Please Make them bold for identifying. 6. Article tone should be like you have your own experiecne testing these products. simple and easy to understand). 7. Meta Description 150 to 200 words. 8. Seo Title length (50 to 60 characters). Try to make something catching. 9. I am expecting about 1200 words. I am selecting 1000 words option here on iwriter. For extra 200 words, i will pay you through tip. Okay. 10. This should be compelete guide, when someone read it, can easly understand everything. Only write important things. It should be perfect guide on our topic. 11. Article should be grammarly and copyscape proved. 13. If you write this article better then these given references. Topic: Pressure Washer Maintenance Guide or Pressure Washer Maintenance Made Easy (Try to Make your own something catching) Instructions: 0. Introduction: (”>”>”> ) (”>”>”>”> ) 1. Before Using a Pressure Washer ( ) ( ) 2. During Use ( ) 3. After Using a Pressure Washer ( ) ( ) 4. Important Routine Pressure Washer Maintenance Tips (”>”>”> ) 5. Long-Term Pressure Washer Storage ( ) ( ) 6. Engine Maintenance for Gasoline-Powered Pressure Washers ( ) 7. Important Note: ( ) ( ) Final Words: ( )