Tender Document For Project

Written Assessment
You should use AS 4120-1994 as the basis of developing a tender request as the
principal for a project in the mining, plant and/or large asset industry. The project may
be one of your choosing based on your current work practice or may be one selected
from a set of possible projects on the Moodle web site. You must ensure that your
tender document is consistent with all of the Australian standards referred to in this
Should you wish to use a tender template from the organisation you work for then you
may do so. However, you must ensure that all of the ten items in the task definition
below are included in your tender.
You must obtain the agreement from your lecturer and course coordinator that the
subject project scope of your tender is suitable for this course.
Your task is to consider the contents of the course and apply it to a tender request.
Your tender must do the following:
1. Define the project in the context of mining, plant, or a large asset;
2. Explain the project justification and contract process;
3. Explain the financing of the project;
4. Identify the project conditions, project team and project processes required;
5. Provide your expected estimates to the tenderer for the project labour, plant,
materials, and sub-contractors;
6. Provide your requirements for project changes;
7. Provide your requirements for quality assurance and quality control;
8. Provide your requirements for document management, reporting and governance;
9. Provide your requirements for disputes, arbitration and mediation;
10. Provide your requirements for safety.
The primary purpose of this assessment item is to help you to develop skills for
expressing the manner in which a principal normally engages with contractors through
a tendering process.
The secondary purpose of this assignment is to give you the opportunity to enhance
your analysis, critical thinking and written communication skills; particularly in the
areas of argument development and tender writing
Your tender should be as much as practically possible a properly constructed tender
However, you must also apply the rigours of an academic essay. Therefore, you must
include references within your tender and a reference list formatted in the prescribed
Harvard style is compulsory at the end of your tender. Do not include a bibliography.
You are strongly encouraged to discuss your ideas with your business and student
colleagues on the course discussion forum, before drawing your conclusions and
submitting your assignment.
The file submitted must be a Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) document. Submit a copy
of your essay online through the course website on Moodle.
Submission Upload to Moodle a single file. If you have more than one file then create a single Zip
file and upload that. The written assignment must be a Microsoft Word document.
Appendices may be included as PDF, Excel or other files.
Weighting 20%
size and
There is NO word limit for this assignment; however it is hoped that your assignment
will NOT be huge. You are encouraged to take advantage of referencing as a means of
limiting the number of words in the assignment. When you are incorporating many of
the sections from the Assessment Criteria below you can refer to the text contained in
the relevant standard. For example, using the assessment criteria below you can put
for -“Closing of tenders – tender closing will conform to AS 4120-1994 section
6.4 p.9”.
If you have used a tender as a template that you have taken from your company then
you may have different words that make it harder to align to the standards. You
should then look through your tender template and whenever possible add a
comment, such as – “this section is similar to AS 4120-1994 section 6.4 p.9”.
Ensuring you have accurate references is important and will allow the marker to easily
identify where your tender maps to the course material. As a consequence you will be
able to gain the MAXIMUM MARKS.
Criteria Criteria Marks
1. Reflection of AS 4120-1994
1.1 Definitions made /3
1.2 Statements of Ethics /4
1.3 Tendering procedures covered, including:-
1.3.1 Obligations of the Principal:- /22 Project definition Tender documents Selecting tenders Call for tenders Tendering methods Tendering inquiries Amendments to tender documents Receipt of tenders Closing of tenders Evaluation of tenders Negotiation and selection
1.3.2 Obligations of the Tenderers:- /14 Genuine belief Return of documents Evaluation of tender documents Formulation of tender and estimates with
respect to:- Project labour Project plant Project materials Project sub-contractors Submission of tenders
1.4 Confidentiality /2
2. Financing justification and financial arrangements of the
project by the Principal, including:-
2.1 Source of funds, i.e. capital funds or operational expenses
2.2 Project selection criteria
3. Contractual terms, including:- /15
3.1 Nature of Contract
3.2 Service of Notices
3.3 Assignment and Subcontracting
3.4 Statutory Requirements
3.5 Examination and Testing
3.6 Progress and Programming of the Works
3.7 Suspension of the Works
3.8 Delay or Disruption Costs
3.9 Defects Liability
3.10 Variations
3.11 Certificates and Payments
3.12 Default or Insolvency
3.13 Termination
3.14 Claims
3.15 Dispute Resolution and Arbitration
4. Quality Assurance and Control requirements, including:- /14
4.1 Customer quality focus
4.2 Quality leadership
4.3 Involvement of people
4.4 Process approach
4.5 Systems approach
4.6 Continuous improvement
4.7 Mutual benefit
5. Safety requirements, including:- /15
5.1 Safety management review
5.2 Safety measurement and evaluation
5.3 Safety implementation
5.4 Safety planning
5.5 OHS policy
References conform to the CQU Harvard Style /6
Late penalty where applicable
Final result: (Total marks/100)*20 = Final mark
Conditions Minimum mark or grade – 10 marks (50% of the total marks for this assignment)
1. Use clear terminology to describe the key areas of project, program and portfolio
management practices as applies to asset rich organisations.
2. Discuss the relevance of tools and techniques for investigating and describing
project process related to developing new workings, facilities, equipment, plant
and processes or maintaining existing facilities and equipment.
3. Present and interpret major processes that are based on sound policy, information,
and research that enable project justification, tenders, contracts, and selection
criteria to occur in an asset rich organisation.
4. Critically analyse management strategies and operational activities from a broad
perspective to ensure safety and quality, to avoid overruns or rework, to manage
variations and claims, and to make decisions to discontinue or close projects.
5. Demonstrate an effective, professional level of teamwork and communication and
support collaborative peer group learning.
being assessed
 Knowledge
 Communication
 Cognitive, technical and creative skills
 Research