FL-FAU-ESOL 2.1, 2.2
Over the course of eight weeks, all students will select and learn a language frequently spoken by ELLs in Florida. Include vocabulary, phrases, grammar and usage (see topic selections below). Students may use any means at their disposal. One such source is mixing with native speakers of the language (e.g., colleagues, relatives, students, friends, or neighbors).
Students can also explore web-based resources such as language and culture links at the National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition (NCELA) at or sites that have multiple language translations of the same information such as international news agencies like CNN International or the BBC New World edition at . Two other sources include using bilingual teaching materials found in libraries and schools, as well as traditional language learning programs that include audiotapes, manuals, CDs, videos, or other visual materials.
1. Students are expected to keep a learning journal to track their development and progress in learning the new language which must be attached to their written report.
The journal entries should discuss how you go about learning the language, including a critical reflection of your understanding of the language acquisition process including linguistic, cultural, social, psychological insights; and an analysis of your experiences demonstrating knowledge and application of theories, theorists, and key concepts related to first and second language acquisition.
2. For each of 7 modules (see Language Learning Modules below), students must:
o Select at least 25 vocabulary words to learn (each student)
o Select at least 10 phrases or sentences to learn (each student)
o Review and/or learn the ENGLISH rules or pertinent grammar, mechanics, and usage for topics listed
o Select at least two of the grammar/mechanics/usage topics to explore in the new language (each student) for each module
o Explain how you will teach and handle language interference related to each of the two topics to help your ELLs develop more English proficiency.
3. The written report (minimum three pages per student) must address the following questions, drawing inspiration from your experiences and this course:
1. Did you accomplish your language learning goals? Why or why not?
2. How would you rate your success or lack of success in learning the new language? What factors facilitated or inhibited your new language acquisition?
3. Explain what you would do differently if you had a second chance at learning the new language. What factors that you might not have considered would have facilitated your learning?
4. Explain the implications of your experience for teaching English to ELLs. Discuss how you will teach these concepts to your ELLs who speak your new language as their L1, what interference is likely, and what strategies you would use to help your students develop this specific language topic.