On The following topic, develop an analytical essay of 500 to 600 words, following the steps outlined in the readings and activities of Unit 1.
Your essay will be marked on the following elements: clear thesis, main points that support the thesis, good use of detail to explain and illustrate your main points, smooth transitions between paragraphs, coherent, unified, and well-developed paragraphs, introduction and conclusion that signal the beginning and ending of the essay both in content and tone, grammatically correct sentences, accurate word choices, standard spelling and punctuation. You may wish to refer to a handbook such as one of those listed in “Supplemental Resources” for guidelines to standard grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
1. Discuss ways in which an event or circumstance at work has affected your approach to or understanding of a specific aspect of your job.
Criteria for Marking Assignment 1
• 80–100%
o Clear thesis
o Good analytical organization
o Originality and/or sophistication, often expressed via specific examples and complex sentence style and diction
o Subtle understanding and expression of content
o No basic grammar errors
• 70–79%
o Clear thesis
o Reasonably good analytical organization
o Good understanding of content, with evidence of some originality and sophistication at the top end of the scale
o Infrequent grammar errors
• 60–69%
o Reasonable thesis, tending, at the bottom of the scale, to lack a conceptual edge
o Tendency to fall into narrative or descriptive mode, but some evidence of analytical structure
o Somewhat less original or unsophisticated details or generalizations
o Some grammatical errors, but the essay demonstrates a grasp of the fundamentals of sentence structure
• 50–59%
o No real thesis, but the essay hangs together
o Ineffective use of analytical structure; inability to present main ideas
o Trite or simplistic details or generalizations
Writing Handbooks and Workbooks
A writing handbook is a recommended resource that you can use not only in ENGL 1101 but also as a reference when writing any assignment or other writing task. Any of the following handbooks is recommended. In addition, many handbooks have accompanying workbooks for further practice in basic writing and grammar skills; you may want to acquire one of these as well:
• Hodges, John C., et al. Harbrace Handbook for Canadians. 6th ed. Scarborough: Nelson, 2003.
• Connor, William. Harbrace Workbook for Canadians. 6th ed. Scarborough: Nelson, 2003.
• Aaron, Jane E., and Murray McArthur. The Little, Brown Compact Handbook. 3rd Canadian ed. Toronto: Pearson, 2006.
• Aaron, Jane E., Murray McArthur, and Kathryn McArthur. Exercises to Accompany The Little, Brown Compact Handbook. 3rd Canadian ed. Toronto: Pearson, 2006.
• Harris, Muriel, and Judi Jewinski. Prentice Hall Reference Guide for Canadian Writers. Toronto: Pearson, 2009.