Order type: Case StudySubject: SportAcademic level: Not specifiedStyle: Harvard
read/change ONLY HIGHLIGHTED TEXT and amend it to make is better and scientificly backed. Biomechanics has to be still done as outlined. All highlighted text to be no less than 2200 words but no more than 2300 words. Please keep to a simular writing style and not use to complex words and statements as that is not my style. I am a passionate holistic coach and my approach has already shown great results in many areas of coaching. Words and putting it on paper are another thing :/ I will send in addition an email from my tutor and an outline of case study requirements hope that helps. I would of done it myself but have been called in to my disability coaching job as emergency to help Autistic youngsters achieve. I can’t let them down but I can’t fail my masters too :/ Hope you can help?