Corporate Social Responsibility

Study: Bachelor of Economics. Thesis needs to be in field of Corporate Social Responsibility Format
proposal 1.1 Problem Identification / Motivation for project The problem identification sketches the
symptoms & issues of the problem to be researched. Describe the problem area concisely and show
that a problem exists. that this problem is relevant. and that some aspects of the problem are
underexplored in the literature. 1.2 Research Question The research question is the central
question dealt with in the thesis. It should be formulated as a question. and should follow logically
from the problem indication. 2 Proposed methodology What is the main research methodology
that you will use (theory model. empirical model, experiment. surveys. or literature review)? How is
it expected to help you answer the research question? If you rely on empirical data: please fill in
2.1. For theory models. section 2.2. and for a literature review section 2.3. 2.1 Methodology:
Empirical research Describe which data you will collect and motivate your decision. How will you
get access to the data? Describe how you will analyze the data and motivate your choice. Be as
specific as possible. (Panel data. time series. OLS regressions. Amadeus. datastream) 2.2
Methodology: Theory models Discuss which model characteristics are crucial to analyze your
research question. Explain which economic actors you will consider (firms. consumers,
government…) and whether those actors act strategically. Will you extend an existing model? And if

so. in which way? Will you rely mainly on simulation models or derive analytical results? Which
scenarios will you compare? Please motivate your choices. 2.3 Literature study Start from your

research question and identify four relevant papers published in the best academic journals. From

a cursory reading of them, indicate how you expect them to shed light on your research question. 3
Relevant literature Motivate the choice of the references of your thesis proposal. Which references
describe the policy issues, which the research methodology you want to use? Check whether your

papers are published in good peer-reviewed economic journals, are cited often, and are recent. 3.1
Reference list (use APA system of referencing) Please provide a list of the literature that you used in

the proposal. Make sure the list is in alphabetical order and do not use separate reference lists for
different sources (books, articles). Note or remark