
Provide answers in an essay format with the following: title page, questions presented at the top of each essay, a minimum of 5 paragraphs (well-developed and written on a graduate level), and references for each essay.
Answer this question:
Essay 1: Outline the similarities and differences between Special Education and Section 504. Include statutory rational explaining the differences, and include case law that creates standards for both programs on what is, and is not, the responsibility of the provider. What does most recent case law say about these two programs and what overlap, if any, occurs?
Answer this question:
Question 2a: Discuss copyright laws and regulations and any potential impacts these guidelines have on education. Review relevant case law and statutory laws that have been created in response to these issues.
Answer this question:
Question 3b: In what situations would a school and/or teacher be held liable? Provide several (at least three) situations where schools/teachers would be liable and explain what could have been done to prevent liability issues. You are encouraged to choose situations from case law and/or support your situations with applicable case law.
Answer this question:
Question 4b: 1. Compare and contrast Tinker v. Des Moines School District, Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier and Bethel School District No. 403 v. Fraser. Make sure you discuss the regions in which the court cases were heard/decided, similarities and differences in the cases and your own opinion of the findings.
