1)List the dominate languages in Middle and South America.
2)What is/are the dominate religion(s) in these regions?
3)List and describe the colonizing powers in Middle and South America and where they had and have the greatest effect.
4)What are the four major trade agreements in these regions and how well did/are they working?
5)What two main European colonial powers dominated South America?
6)How did colonial activity assist in determining which ethnic group or groups would be at the top or bottom of the socioeconomic hierarchy in the Andean West region of South America?
7)What are the main causes of deforestation in the Amazon Basin? How can deforestation be reduced?
8)What is a forward capital and why does Brazil have one? Are favelas located in the forward capital?
9)What are the main attributes and contributions of the Pampas and Patagonia?
10)How does altitudinal zonation influence human activity? What are the main altitudinal zones?
11)Why is Puerto Rico a commonwealth of the United States?
12)How is the political system in Cuba different from that of the United States?
13)Why do tropical cyclones form near the equator?
14)What part of the hurricane usually causes the most damage or loss of life?
15)When is the main hurricane season in the North Atlantic? How does the hurricane season impact tourism in the Caribbean?