
What is Evaluation?
Is a systematic process that determines the merit or worth of programmes, products, processes, personnel, and/or policies.

The thing being evaluated (program, product, process, personnel, or policy) is referred to as the evaluand.

Evaluators seek to understand how the evaluand is operating, and the impact of that evaluand on organizations and community/societies.

Evaluators then inform relevant stakeholders of the evaluation results and make recommendations to them on how to improve the evaluand.

Evaluators work with stakeholders and subject matter experts to answer questions such as:
1.    What are we evaluating (the evaluand)?
2.    What is the background information and current situation of the evaluand?
3.    What are the criteria and standards that govern the evaluand?
4.    How does the evaluand measure up to the established criteria and standards?
5.    What must happen in order to improve the evaluand?