Innovation management:”The companies must Implement the following Innovation Models”


Given a list of 12 companies, six from Asia and six from South America. The companies must implement the following innovation models:Blue ocean,red ocean and green ocean. The green ocean model has nothing to do with pollution or the environment, it is a mix of blue ocean and red ocean strategy. The distribution is the following:
-2 companies that implement blue ocean
-2 companies that implement red
-2 companies that implement green ocean
-South America
-2 companies that implement blue ocean
-2 companies that implement red
-2 companies that implement green ocean
The companies must not be very famous, nor their products.Regarding the red ocean and blue ocean companies, I don’t need many details, just the name of the company and an example of why or how it implements blue or red ocean strategy(it can be the name a single product like iphone for apple). Regarding the green ocean companies, I need a bit more explanations justifying the fact that they implement the green ocean model.