Meeting the educational needs of rural students: A narrative inquiry of administrator perceptions and practices in rural LEAs designated as a District of Innovation”

Order type: Dissertation Chapter – Literature ReviewOrder type: Dissertation Chapter – Literature ReviewSubject: EducationAcademic level: PhDStyle: APA

District of Innovation is a new education reform in Texas. Some information can be found on Texas Education Agency WebsiteBegin with a historical context of School Reform ESEA, NCLB, Race to the Top, ECCS, etc. Then move to School reform in TexasTheoretical Framework – Look at Adaptive Change Management (Heifetzjournal articles from as many sources as you can, focusing on the areas of flexibility in the innovation plan.Flexibility: Districts will have the flexibility to implement practices similar to charter schools, including exemptions from mandates such as:School start date90% attendance ruleClass-size ratiosSite-based decision-making processesCertain student discipline provisionsUse of planning and preparation periodsTeacher appraisal requirementsSchool start date and 90% attendance: Search Time on Task, Allotted Time, Engaged Time, etcClass Size – self explanatorySite-based – Local controlDiscipline – this will be huge! Look at disproportionality, discipline issues, etc.Planning and Prep – search job related professional development, building teacher capacity, professional learning communities, etc. This will be huge!!!Teacher Appraisals – Historical context from PDAS to T-TESS. There is some stuff out there now on T-TESS, a few of them my own.School Governance in Texas – this will be huge.