MONETISATION MONETISATION How would you make money from your web site? We do not want you to actually implement this, as it’s not possible to implement most strategies until your web site has been around for a while and has a certain amount of traffic. What we’re interested in if you have paid attention to the lecture in week 11 and have done your own research into ways of making money online. Show us you can make money from your web site, at least in theory by:• telling us what method(s) are available• how do these methods work – how much do you get paid and for what?• describing which method would be best for your web site, and why• some of the drawbacks and risks of monetising your site Aim for around 250 words, but you can go as high as 500 if you need to. Generally shorter more precise writing will get better marks. Don’t forget that you need to demonstrate your research and ability to connect your understanding with other sources. The only way you can do this is to use evidence from other sources, which you can bring into this document with links. Like the other two assignments, just provide links, we don’t need full references or formal citations.ANALYTICS In order to complete this section you’ll need analytics active on your website – you should have set this up in week 7 or 8. Once you have been tracking for a couple of weeks you’ll have some data and be able to do some analysis – that’s really what we want to see here. Some things you can cover include:• What is analytics?• What are the basic stats you got?• How do you interpret these stats?• What insights can you get from your analytics?The more thoughtful your analysis is, the better. Do some googling about analytics, and perhaps even about analytics and tumblr to get some ideas about how you can use and interpret your analytics. The more sophisticated your analysis is and the more detailed, the better.Aim for around 250 words, but you can go as high as 500 if you need to. Generally shorter more precise writing will get better marks. Images are important and useful in this section. You can use screenshots from your browser. Don’t forget that you need to demonstrate your research and ability to connect your understanding with other sources. The only way you can do this is to use evidence from other sources, which you can bring into this document with links. Like the other two assignments, just provide links, we don’t need full references or formal citations.We’re also very aware that for a lot of people, there will not be many hits. if this is the case then you may not be able to glean any insights from your website, but you can still discuss the kinds of analysis you could do with more hits.COPYRIGHT In this section we want to see evidence that you understand the principles of copyright. Make sure you review the lecture on copyright because it contains all the basics.Points you might like to address here include:• what is copyright?• how does copyright apply online?• what happens to your copyright on your chosen platform?• what is ok to post and what is not? For example, linking in youtube videos?• have you been reblogging (if on Tumblr)? why is this ok/not ok?• what specific problems or challenges to do with copyright have you encountered in preparing your web site?The one-two punch here that we’re looking for is a general understanding of copyright principles plus being able to take these principles and understand how they apply to your web site.Aim for around 250 words, but you can go as high as 500 if you need to. Generally shorter more precise writing will get better marks. Don’t forget that you need to demonstrate your research and ability to connect your understanding with other sources. The only way you can do this is to use evidence from other sources, which you can bring into this document with links. Like the other two assignments, just provide links, we don’t need full references or formal citations.REFLECTION By now you know the drill. We want you to demonstrate that you can pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses. By now you have a good idea how this project has gone overall, so reflect on the production weeks and your experiences day-to-day and help us understand your challenges and how you have overcome them.
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