Ethical/Moral Philosophy

This section of the writing-intensive paper is also to be 3 to 5 pages in length and double-spaced, using 12-point, Times New Roman font. It is designed to be a self-reflection exercise that addresses the following questions/ considerations:
•Describe any pivotal experiences or situations in your life that profoundly changed your ethical/ moral perspectives or that served to strengthen the perspectives that you already held.
•Has your ethical orientation (with respect to the comparison of the philosophies used in business decisions; teleology, egoism, utilitarianism, deontology, relativist, virtue ethics, justice) ever caused tensions or disagreements with others?
•Have you ever worked for a business organization whose culture aligned closely with (or conversely, created conflicts with) your own values? Please explain.
•Finally, reflect on the ultimate goal of your ethical/ moral philosophy, or, phrased another way, describe the ultimate good that you personally hope to obtain or realize as a result of following this philosophy during your lifetime. Objectively evaluate the consequences that are the most likely to result in the long-term from following this philosophy.