Could you please make sure that interview people done with people onboard ship with out names, could you till me what is your plan regarding the interview as you know that is my final projectTask description Project Report. You are required to produce a final report on your research. 1. The Introduction should summarize the problem (in half a page), identify the research question(s) and objective(s). ?2. The Method should identify ‘how you went about your research. It should explain the variables under consideration and how you examined these variables. If people participated in the process it should briefly identify these participants – providing broad indicators of them as a group (e.g. 5 bridge officers with >5 years’ experience) ?3. The Results should explain, including appropriate visual tools such as tables and graphs, what you found in your research. The aim of the results is NOT to explain WHY. ?4. The Discussion should explain what the results mean. Why did you get these results? What are the implications for operations, for future research in this area? What went wrong or well in your research? ?Links to unit learning outcomes 3 Demonstrate the capacity to research the problem using appropriate methods 4. Demonstrate the capacity to summarise research in both Assessment criteria The criteria to be used in this assessment are as follows: 1.Is the summary of the problem concise and accurate? ?2.Is the method clearly articulated? ?3.Does the student make appropriate use of graphs and tables in the results? ?4.Does the results section clearly identify what the student found out during their research? ?5.Does the discussion explain why these results occurred? ?6.Does the student identify implications for operations, and future research? Are these clear, concise, logical and supported with reference material? ?7Does the student identify what went wrong/well with the research? ?8Is the assignment clearly written? ?