Reflective summary

Answer in complete sentences.
This should be a 2 typed pages
Times New Roman, 12 front, double space
Grammar, spelling and sentence structure count
Introductory paragraph
1. What was your experience keeping a good journal?
2. Did completing the food journal/eating logs chance the was you ate over the 3-day period?
Middle paragraphs
1. Based on your responses in question #9, what insights did you gain about your eating behaviors.
2. Were you surprised at what you found/ learned about what you eat/ drink, what you do not eat/drink?
Ending paragraph
1. What overall conclusions can you draw on your nutritional intake from the results of this project?
2. What, if any, changes do you plan to make to your eating behaviors adter completing this project:course?
3. What, of any, changes do you plan to make to your diet after completing this project: course?
4. What, if any, changes do you plan to make in your lifestyle after completing this project/ course?
Just give your opinion (I don’t mind the answers) I’ll attach the first part of the project.