
Provide a comprehensive set of summary statistics for the dataset and variables.
It is a simple 1-2 page set of tables describing the key variables to be used in your research.
Employees’ Performance and Selection to Higher Salary
In his article, Kurtus (2005) argues that a workplace environment has an immense impact on employees’ performance and service delivery. The research particularizes how several variables interact concerning employees’ performance. These interrelating factors apply differently to individual worker depending on their ability to execute precisely a task given. The article review gyrates around these factors and their influence on employees’ performance and job selection. It is aimed at investigating the formative factors in employees’ performance and higher salary selection. As such, the following paper summarizes the factors affecting the employees’ performance and selection to higher salary
Manager’s Attitude
According to the study, there is an incredible relationship between a manager’s attitude and employee’s performance. The researchreveals a profound impact on the employees’ performance at workplace brought about by managerial control. The employees’ ability and willingness to work enthusiastically are largely dependent on the manager’s attitudes towards them.A fair control in employees’ monitoring by management drastically improves their delivery standards. Additionally, a promoting and interactive attitude and control exercised towards the employees by the manager enhances efficiency in service delivery. An unbiased manager who treats the issue of employees’ remuneration ensures that there is a powerful workforce in the organization resulting in progressive productivity beyond competing organizations.
Personal Issues
Employees’ individual mannerisms directly affect their performance at their workplace. The researcher unveils how employees’ personal issues form the greatest obstacle to their productivity and service delivery. The study illustrates how a dull-minded, distracted employee is incapable of focusing on any duty to deliver efficiently. The same employee under tranquil environment free from distraction exceptionally delivered the same task resulting in a positive result. Moreover, personal issues obscure the employees’ judgment aptitude resulting in terrible decisions that ultimately brings about negative results.
Financial Rewards
The article affirms the existence of an established relationship between employees’ performance and financial rewards. According to the researcher, in many organizations employees’ performances are always founded on financial rewards. Proper remuneration is a significant motivator for the employees enabling them to work more zealously. Additionally, financial rewards enhance employees’ commitment to service delivery. With such commitment, the company’s overall performance and efficiency significantly improves. The article elaborates how allocating proper financial benefits to employees directly impacts on the employees’ performance at work.
Organizational Culture
The research reveals a significant relationship between employees’ performance and organizational culture. Organizational culture is the only strategy that can be effectively employed in upgrading workers’ performance. According to the study, an effectively competitive administrative culture in an organization directly augments employees’ performance. In an organization with a comfortable and tranquil working environment, the employees are always motivated to deliver efficiently and effectively in areas of duty. The study illustrates how an organization with a motivating and strong culture directly influences the employees’ zeal and passion for service. The employees’ performance is a direct reflection of the organizational culture. Organizational culture is a significant factor in salary selection and performance.
Job Content
From the study, an enthusiastic environment, challenging objective to undertake, and creativity are the primary prerequisite for any job. The study illustrates how employees only give positive output in an innovative and challenging environment created by the demanding nature of the job tasks. Accordingly, job rotation is very essential. This is a strategy aimed at breaking the monotony emerging from doing the same task all the time. Consequently, creativity and innovation directly heightens employees’ performance.

Kurtus, R. (2005, September 6). Factors in selecting job or career. Retrieved November 11, 2015, from

Research Question
What Factors Influence the Selection to Higher Salary?
The research question I will be writing about is on factors that influence the selection of higher Salary and performance of employee.
There are many factors influencing the selection of highersalaryand performance of workers globally. Some of the factors that influenceare financial rewards, personal issues, and organizational culture of the higher job, manager’s attitude, and job content. The factors affectworkers’ performance directly either positively or negative. Personal problems affect an individual but it can be worse since it affects the whole organization. The study is meant to be quantitative in nature and show the effects of these factors.
The choice of workers and employees performance is very dependent on the work place.Therefore, this study should show how the variables relate to each other. It can be either dependent or independent depending on the levelof performance for each worker and the ability to complete the work in time (Kurtus, 2005). The main theme of this research will revolve around these factors.I will use articles, journals and books that show a practical scenario to get adequate information and data on the study. The sources will help me to find out how the specific factors that influence the selection of higher jobs and performance.
The problem statement will be about factors affecting the selection of higher salary and its performance using the scenarios of research from books and articles read. Through this study I should be able to determine the factors that determine the selection of higher salary and their performance. The variables, which include financial rewards, personal issues, organizational culture of the higher job, and manager’s attitude and the content of the job have impacts and I should be able to find (Evers, Anderson &Voskuijl, 2005). I should also manage how to show how the variables affect the performance positively and negatively. Literature review will show the positive impacts of these variables further as compared to this study. I will also include the objective of the research.

Evers, A., Anderson, N., &Voskuijl, O. (2005). The Blackwell handbook of personnel selection. Malden, Mass: Blackwell.
Kurtus, R. (2005, September 6). Factors in Selecting Job or Career. Retrieved November 3, 2015, from